Using the module

The module is extremely easy to use:

  • It's interactive
  • No complex flags to pass to the cli
  • Adapt to its environment
  • Cross-Platform

All the following demonstrations will be made using cmder on Windows 10

Creating a new project folder

After the installation of the module using the npm command, a new command is registered inside your terminal: efc

Try it now by yourself:

  • Open your preferred command prompt tool (e.g. run CMD on Windows)
  • Type efc and press enter
  • A menu will open up where you can press up and down to select an option. Select Create a New Project and press ENTER
  • Type your project's name and press ENTER to create it's folder
  • use git: If true, this option will generate a standard .gitignore file that excludes common folders from the electron project
  • include standalone preview tool: The standlaone preview is an executable that allow you to preview your electron project without using the cli (since Construct 2 or Steam only accepts .exe files)

After you're done, a new folder will be created with some basic files. You can go directly to it by typing cd and the folder name.

Now you can either configure your project options or build your game.

Previewing a Construct project

To preview a Construct project, you can use the efc preview command.
Under Contruct 2, start a regular preview then paste the link inside the cli.
Under Construct 3, you need to use the remote preview url. (Found under the preview menu).

Tip from the official documentation

" The game is no longer available from the provided URL as soon as you close the Remote Preview dialog. You can open the Remote Preview dialog to its own window to help keep it out of the way, by right-clicking on its caption and selecting Open to popup window. "